Atomic and molecular physics

 | Post date: 2017/11/1 | 


Photonics is a science that deals with wide range of optical phenomena such as generation, transmission, modulation, switching, amplification, and detection of light.  

The invention of lasers, and later on development of optical fibers has led to a wide expansion of the field of optics, as a branch of physics, and its diverse applications which led to the birth of a new field of study called Photonics. Photonics-physics is one of the branches of photonics that covers phenomena such as light-matter interaction, near-field scanning electron microscopy, etc. Over the years, Kharazmi University has achieved outstanding records in photonic research, especially in organic photonics, biophotonics, and nanophotonics.


Engineering physics - Laser program

Engineering physics is an interdisciplinary field with goals to develop a theoretical base for scientific phenomena, explore their engineering applications, find their potential for future technologies, and at the end transfer the resulting technology to industries. In an ideal condition, candidates achieve both engineering and scientific skills through this program.

In the bachelor program, candidates learn basics of optics, their applications for fabrication of optical and optomechanics equipment and lasers. For this purpose, there is an important market for the skilled researchers in designing, modeling, development, fabrication, and maintenance of optical, optoelectronic equipment and lasers.  Branch of laser, in the field of physics, at the Kharazmi University has demonstrated its high qualification for preparing students for the domestic and international job market as well as receiving acceptance in a large number to postgraduate programs throughout the years.


Master program in Nanophysics:

Nanotechnology is understanding and application of the new properties of materials and systems in nanoscale, which is based on quantum nature of materials.

Nanotechnology is one of the most interdisciplinary fields of science involving diverse fields such as material engineering, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary, biology, applied physics, semiconductor, chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and chemical engineering. 

The most important goals in the field of nanophysics are training students for research and development in one the narrowed division of nano science and technology and preparing lecturers to join the universities and institutes of higher education.

Students of nanophysics at the Kharazmi University are involved in activities varies from the synthesis of nanomaterials to investigating their structural and optical properties in nanophysics and photonics labs.

Plasma physics

Plasma physics is the study of charged particles and fluids interacting with self-consistent electric and magnetic fields. It is a basic research discipline that has many different areas of application — space and astrophysics, controlled fusion, accelerator physics, beam storage, and recently in medicine.

Graduate students entering the group of Plasma Physics spend the first three terms in classroom study, acquiring a foundation in the many disciplines that make up plasma physics: quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, elementary plasma physics, statistical mechanics, and kinetic theory (special topics). After passing the theoretical courses, students concentrate on the research and writing of a Master thesis.

Basic research is carried out and applied to all of the areas of plasma physics. The three broad categories of plasma research—theoretical, computer simulation and laboratory studies—are all well-represented in the plasma physics group.


Photonics is a science that deals with wide range of optical phenomena such as generation, transmission, modulation, switching, amplification, and detection of light.  

The invention of lasers, and later on development of optical fibers has led to a wide expansion of the field of optics, as a branch of physics, and its diverse applications which led to the birth of a new field of study called Photonics. Photonics-physics is one of the branches of photonics that covers phenomena such as light-matter interaction, near-field scanning electron microscopy, etc. Over the years, Kharazmi University has achieved outstanding records in photonic research, especially in organic photonics, biophotonics, and nanophotonics.


Engineering physics - Laser program

Engineering physics is an interdisciplinary field with goals to develop a theoretical base for scientific phenomena, explore their engineering applications, find their potential for future technologies, and at the end transfer the resulting technology to industries. In an ideal condition, candidates achieve both engineering and scientific skills through this program.

In the bachelor program, candidates learn basics of optics, their applications for fabrication of optical and optomechanics equipment and lasers. For this purpose, there is an important market for the skilled researchers in designing, modeling, development, fabrication, and maintenance of optical, optoelectronic equipment and lasers.  Branch of laser, in the field of physics, at the Kharazmi University has demonstrated its high qualification for preparing students for the domestic and international job market as well as receiving acceptance in a large number to postgraduate programs throughout the years.



Nanotechnology is understanding and application of the new properties of materials and systems in nanoscale, which is based on quantum nature of materials.

Nanotechnology is one of the most interdisciplinary fields of science involving diverse fields such as material engineering, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary, biology, applied physics, semiconductor, chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and chemical engineering. 

The most important goals in the field of nanophysics are training students for research and development in one the narrowed division of nano science and technology and preparing lecturers to join the universities and institutes of higher education.

Students of nanophysics at the Kharazmi University are involved in activities varies from the synthesis of nanomaterials to investigating their structural and optical properties in nanophysics and photonics labs.

Plasma physics

Plasma physics is the study of charged particles and fluids interacting with self-consistent electric and magnetic fields. It is a basic research discipline that has many different areas of application — space and astrophysics, controlled fusion, accelerator physics, beam storage, and recently in medicine.

Graduate students entering the group of Plasma Physics spend the first three terms in classroom study, acquiring a foundation in the many disciplines that make up plasma physics: quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, elementary plasma physics, statistical mechanics, and kinetic theory (special topics). After passing the theoretical courses, students concentrate on the research and writing of a Master thesis.

Basic research is carried out and applied to all of the areas of plasma physics. The three broad categories of plasma research.—theoretical, computer simulation and laboratory studies—are all well-represented in the plasma physics group

The plasma group is a division of the Physics department at Kharazmi university that is actively working in the development of novel theoretical, simulation, and experimental techniques for a variety of problems arising in different fields of plasma research as for example astrophysical plasma, fundamental plasma physics, and fusion


 Plasma Medicine

The plasma medicine group is a division of the plasma physics and institute for plasma research at Kharazmi university that is actively working in the development of novel theoretical, simulation, and experimental techniques for a variety of problems arising in different fields of plasma medicine research as for example basic interactions of plasmas with eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, as well as with biofluids, viruses, fungi and spores. The aim of this group is to identify new medically active substances (e.g. ions), combinations of such substances (atoms, ions, molecules), to evaluate their effect(s) on different cell types and to research pathways towards application at the molecular level.

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