Speech on the topic of "Research in Biological sciences will dominate the remaining decades of his centry"

 | Post date: 2023/09/27 | 
Speech on the topic of "Research in Biological sciences will dominate the remaining decades of his centry"

Speaker: Prof. Seyed Ehtesham Hasanian

Hosted: K. N. Toosi University of technology In coopration with Tehran University, Alzahra University, Kharazmi University and Iranian Biotechnology society 

Date: Saturday 30 Sep. 2023

Place: Mollasadra paradise 

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The visit of the faculty members of the Faculty of Physics to the National Observatory of Iran

 | Post date: 2023/09/20 | 
In line with the support of the esteemed research vice-chancellor of the university for scientific visits by university faculty members to major national projects being implemented in the country, a group of faculty members from the Faculty of Physics of Kharazmi University, on the occasion of the National Day of Astronomy, attended the National Observatory of Iran located near Kashan.

This visit was held with the aim of making the university faculty members more familiar with this national plan, which is one of the priorities of the country's science and technology projects, and in order to examine the fields of joint cooperation between the National Observatory of Iran and Kharazmi University. In this visit, which was conducted by the Faculty of Physics and with the support of the Research and Technology Vice-Chancellor of the University, on Monday 27th of Shahrivar 1402, the visitors were accompanied and explained by Mr. Engineer Mohammad Mohajer, an observatory expert, andl earned about the construction process of this observatory, which was the first national macro plan in the field of basic sciences until now. Further, the members of the academic staff, while expressing their views, hoped that with the increase of interactions between the National Observatory of Iran and the university, scientific cooperation in the field of astronomy and cosmology would be formed, and the possibility of defining joint scientific projects with the participation of the National Observatory of Iran would be established in the near future. . During this visit, the participants also visited different parts of the observatory and the mechanical and control equipment of the telescope.

The national project of building the national observatory of Iran, which was proposed in the National Research Council of the country in 1378, is considered an important achievement in the development of astronomy and cosmology and the creation of related technologies in the field of optics, mechanics and control. This complex, which is located 33 kilometers southwest of Kashan on the 3600-meter peak of Gargesh, after several decades of effort and investment, is going through the final stages of its installation and commissioning, and the development program of telescope observation tools for the purpose of installing and commissioning imagers and spectra Astronomical gauges on the telescope have been switched on this year. The term national telescope is given to the 3.4-meter telescope of the National Observatory of Iran. This 3.4-meter telescope and other related structures such as the telescope housing and layering equipment are designed and built by Iranian engineers and astronomers. The enclosure of the National Observatory of Iran is designed to protect the personnel, telescope and related equipment and enables the observation process in a way that increases the quality and accuracy as much as possible. The building consists of two main parts: a fixed building and a rotating dome that work together to meet the requirements and provide an optimal working and operational environment. This telescope is a unique tool for research in various fields of astronomy and cosmology by using active optics technology as well as benefiting from a suitable observation site with good astronomical visibility and suitable geographical location.


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Report of the scientific-specialist visit of physics faculty students to the applied nanotechnology industrialization center (ICAN)

 | Post date: 2023/09/9 | 
Report of the scientific-specialist visit of physics faculty students to the applied nanotechnology industrialization center (ICAN):

On September 04, 2023, coinciding with Basic Science Day, a number of talented students of the Faculty of Physics visited the Applied Nanotechnology Industrialization Center (ICAN) for a half-day and got to know the facilities and achievements of this center.
This program, which was carried out by the Faculty of Physics in cooperation with the Iran's National Elites Foundation of Alborz Province, is in line with the Pathways to Progress program and were held with the aim of introducing talented students to research and industrial centers, building self-confidence and introducing students to researchers and experts in the fields of Optics and laser physics, solid state, nanophysics and plasma physics.

A number of 15 talented and interested physics students in different stages who had registered in the call for this visit, accompanied by Dr. Haji Sharifi, Research assistant of Faculty, Dr. Heydari, a member of the academic staff, and Dr. Madani, an expert in the Faculty of Physics, form the team of this visit. 
At the beginning of the visit of a number of experts of the center, while stating that at the beginning of September 2016, in accordance with its second ten-year plan (Vision 1404) and with the aim of developing the economy based on nanotechnology, it sought to establish an "Industrialization Center for Applied Nanotechnology" Center for Applied Nanotechnology) or ICAN for short, with the presence of semi-industrial equipment and machinery from selected platforms in the field of nanotechnology, gave explanations about the goals of this center, which include providing a network of equipment, industrial and specialized infrastructure, guidance and companionship with idea owners in the process of turning ideas into product, financial support for projects and ideas capable of creating a technological product, identifying industrial problems and creating a suitable environment to solve them through technological cooperation between the industry and technology owners, the possibility of communication and networking between investors and experts and creating a platform for implementation of open innovation by eliminating the gap between industry owners and ideas pointed out.
In the following, visitors from different platforms of this center, including basic infrastructure laboratory, plasma wastewater treatment device, plasma printing device, devices related to the use of plasma jet in the discussion of fibers, plasma pleating, the progress process of nanofiber devices used in filtration industries, grinding workshops and high energy and super high energy mills, spark plasma sintering device (SPS), electrospinning machines with one pump, two pumps and laboratory immersion, chemical vapor deposition devices (CVD), sputtering They visited magnetization with RF and DC sources, thermal evaporation layer by DC and e-beam method and got acquainted with the facilities and latest achievements of this center.
In a part of the visit, the interested parties visited Iran's battery network and explanations about lithium-ion battery separators and the problems and obstacles in its path were presented by the relevant expert.
At the end of the visit and after having lunch, discussions were held about how to exchange facilities and knowledge and create synergy and transfer experiences between the Faculty of Physics of Kharazmi University and the ICAN Accelerator Complex. One of the highlights of this section is the announcement of the group's readiness to support 200 million tomans for the development of products and ideas based on nanomaterials, nanofibers, nanocoating, ultrasonic and nanocavitation, cold plasma and 3D printing


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Academic Calendar- Fall 2023

 | Post date: 2023/09/9 | 


Registration & Start of Classes
Registration: 09 - 12 Aug
Late Registration: 13 - 15 Aug
Start of Classes: 23 Aug

Drop/Add Period
Drop/Add Two Courses (B.A.): 07 - 09 Oct
Late Dropping a Course (B.A.): 21 Oct – 30 Dec

End of Classes & Final Examinations
End of Classes: 10 Jan
Final Examinations: 15 Jan – 29 Jan

Course Evaluations and Pre-Registration
Pre-Registration for Coming Semester: 16- 19 Dec
Course Evaluations Period for the 2nd Semester: 16 Dec -05 Jan

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Report of the meeting of the Faculty of Physics with Rayan Roshdafzar company

 | Post date: 2023/09/9 | 
Report of the meeting of the Faculty of Physics with Rayan Roshdafzar company:

In the framework of increasing cooperation and communication between the university and industry, a meeting was held with the presence of the chairman of the board of directors, the director of research and development and the person in charge of communication with the university of Rayan Roshd Afzar company, the board of directors of the physics faculty and a group of faculty members in the council room of this faculty on 1402. In this meeting, which was held at the invitation of the Faculty of Physics, Dr. Majles Ara, Dean of the Faculty, while thanking the presence of the Board of Directors of Rayan Roshd Afzar Company, announced the university's readiness to cooperate, provide services and define joint projects related to that company.

Next, Mr. Dr. Hakimzadeh, the honorable chairman of the company's board of directors, gave explanations regarding the production of products and presentation to the market. He also expressed his satisfaction at the meeting with the academicians and welcomed the cooperation and connection between the university and the industry. In the continuation of the meeting, the board of directors of Rayan Roshd Afzar company got acquainted with the scientific and research abilities of the faculty members, and various topics and issues were discussed and exchanged.

In the end, it was established that in the near future, the two sides will provide the opportunity to learn more about each other's capabilities, capabilities and achievements, and due to the short distance between these two centers, by increasing communication in various fields, a memorandum of understanding will be signed. to create and develop scientific, research and technological cooperation between Kharazmi University and Rayan Roshd Afzar Company in order to benefit from the intellectual, experimental, research, laboratory, workshop and international communication facilities, whose main goal is to produce, localize and transfer technologies  related to the needs of industry and society.


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The appointment of Dr. Hassan Beigi as the president of Kharazmi University

 | Post date: 2023/08/20 | 
Dr. Zulfi Gol, the Minister of Science, appointed Dr. Ali Hassan Beigi, a member of the Faculty of Physics, as the president of Kharazmi University.

The Minister of Science, Research and Technology appointed Dr. Ali Hassan Begi as the "Head of Kharazmi University" by issuing a decree dated 28 July 1401.
Dr. Ali Hasan Beigi (born 1355-Ashtian) studied plasma physics, is a faculty member of the Faculty of Physics of Kharazmi University with the rank of associate professor and published research and presented in national conferences. He also has the teaching and research vice-chancellor of the Faculty of Physics of Kharazmi University and the Plasma Research Institute in his work record.
The Faculty of Physics congratulates him on this worthy appointment and asks the Almighty God for more and more success for him.
Personal page of Dr. Hassan Begi

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