Condensed matter physics

 | Post date: 2017/11/1 | 

In physics department, Condensed matter physics is active in Hard matter and Soft matter.

In Hard matter, the Solid-State physics is focused on:

-Semiconductors physics is focused on pollutant semiconductors with organic and inorganic materials experimentally which has application in optimization gaseous and optical sensors. Common ways such as Coating and Scanning tunneling microscopes for electrical and optical characterization.

-Magnetic materials, Ferroelectric materials, Magnetoptic effects, Magnet electric, that Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) is used in these researches. And also characterization of magnetic materials and Nano structures using Magnetoptic methods and X-Ray.

-Electron structures calculations, simulation (DMFT, TDDFT, DFT), electron transport in magnetic multi-layers, Spintronics, computational models of Nano structures.

In Soft matter, researches are focused on crystals and liquids.

Theoretical researches are focused on induction forces caused by heat flushes, which is a thermal effect just like vacuum quantum fluctuations.

Presented subjects in doctorate level are Condensed matter 1 and 2. In masters, Advanced Solid-State 1 and 2, Special subjects (Particle physics). And in bachelors are Solid-State 1 and 2, Semiconductors and superconductivity and Solid-State laboratory.

Presented subjects in engineering physics branch of Solid-State: Solid-State 1 and 2, Solid-State laboratory, Solid-State 1 and 2, Semiconductors, Magnetism, superconductivity, Nano structures and Project.

Condensed Matter Physics

In physics department, Condensed matter physics is active in Hard matter and Soft matter

In Hard matter, the Solid-State physics is focused on:

-Semiconductors physics is focused on pollutant semiconductors with organic and inorganic materials experimentally which has application in optimization gaseous and optical sensors. Common ways such as Coating and Scanning tunneling microscopes for electrical and optical characterization.

-Magnetic materials, Ferroelectric materials, Magnetoptic effects, Magnet electric, that Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) is used in these researches. And also characterization of magnetic materials and Nano structures using Magnetoptic methods and X-Ray.

-Electron structures calculations, simulation (DMFT, TDDFT, DFT), electron transport in magnetic multi-layers, Spintronics, computational models of Nano structures.

In Soft matter, researches are focused on crystals and liquids.

Theoretical researches are focused on induction forces caused by heat flushes, which is a thermal effect just like vacuum quantum fluctuations.

Presented subjects in doctorate level are Condensed matter 1 and 2. In masters, Advanced Solid-State 1 and 2, Special subjects (Particle physics). And in bachelors are Solid-State 1 and 2, Semiconductors and superconductivity and Solid-State laboratory.

Presented subjects in engineering physics branch of Solid-State: Solid-State 1 and 2, Solid-State laboratory, Solid-State 1 and 2, Semiconductors, Magnetism, superconductivity, Nano structures and Project.

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